The way to continue to do macro recording

    • #1

    I use macro recorder to record a few steps. I stop the macro and save the file. Kindly let me know how to use the same macro to continue do the recording. :guitar:


    • #2

    Re: The way to continue to do macro recording

    Hi Susan,

    You can't restart the recording process in an existing macro. You will need to record a new macro and then join the two together.

    • #3

    Re: Cross-posting

    Quote from Susan Soo

    I regret to inform you that I do not know the way to cross - post my query.

    It's probably worth learning, or you may upset a good many people. There;s nothing quite as frustrating as spending time trying to solve a problem for someone, only to find you have been wasting your time because someone else has solved it elsewhere already.

    All you need to do is goto your post on the other forum, copy the URL that appears in the browser toolbar address box (starting http://... ) and paste it into the thread you want to link to it from.

    That is what Richie did to link this post to your crosspost on Mr Excel.

    You will find that many of the same "experts" frequent a number of forums so it's likely that regular cross-posting without cross-referencing will be spotted. As Dave says, it's a bit like ringing 5 taxi companies, jumping in the first cab that turns up and not bothering to let the other 4 know.....

    It's also clearly spelt out in the posting rules you signed up to... Just some friendly advice :)

    Quote from Forum Posting Rules Extract

    Do not cross-post. This is when you post the same question on other forums, newsgroups etc. This will be wasting the time of the kind volunteers as they could well be trying solve a problem that has been solved elsewhere. This is like ringing 5 different cab companies, jumping in the first that shows and not caring less about the other 4. If you have cross-posted, please at least supply the URL to the other post(s)

    • #4

    Re: Cross-posting-further reply

    I thank you for your friendly reply.

    I received an advice from another web site telling me not to cross post my question without using the URL.

    I agree with you that people might get frustrated when someone else has solved the problem elsewhere already.

    However, I believe in one thing. There are difference solutions or approaches to each problem, and these solutions can be classified as good, better and the best. I believe everybody needs to do a comparison of the solutions provided and absorb the best to suit his or her needs.

    I assure you that there is no wasting of time in trying to learn to solve problem and to compare different solutions to one problem.

    Please be positive to every problem posted to the forum. Just another friendly advice.

    I highly appreciate the times and efforts contributed by the experts to the forum. I also respect their professionalism, and technical expertise.

    I also appreciate for your times and efforts to let me know the fact.

    Thousand thanks to you. :guitar:

    Susan :thanx: