Full House Be Your Own Best Friend Full Episode

Before I get started, I just had the bespeak out that the title of this episode is a euphemism for masturbation.  It may also be called, "Get Jerk Off."

Pre-Credits Gag:  DJ tells the twins to consume their breakfast and so ane of them says "mahbodesbloken."  DJ clarifies that he is saying that his staff of life is broken because he is eating a bagel and thinks the pigsty is an accident because he is a really stupid kid (and likewise because he does not respect Jewish culture).  The other twin holds his bagel upwards and says some totally indecipherable gibberish that I couldn't even write phonetically because it would require characters that I don't have access to on my calculator.  Seriously, I think that kid is speaking straight upward Elvish.  Anyway, Becky stuffs strawberries into the bagel holes then the twins will consume them.

Stephanie pesters Danny to extend her curfew and he tells her that she'd amend watch her stride considering they wouldn't even take to write her off the show to get rid of her.  She hasn't been beautiful for like 5 years and there's non a person in America who would give a shit if she got Judy Winslowed.  Denise comes in through the dorsum door and I judge she just had a growth spurt because she's seriously like a pes taller than Michelle.

Equally Denise and Michelle leave for school, Danny reminds them that it's parent volunteer twenty-four hours and so he'll run into them in course during the next scene.

Michelle'southward instructor tells the kids to greet Danny and they all say, "hi, Michelle's dad," and he responds with, "hullo, Michelle's class," which is an acknowledgement of the fact that everyone in the full house universe exists but to orbit around Michelle.  I wouldn't even be surprised if all of the characters started being referred to exclusively by their human relationship to her.  Danny would exist "Michelle's dad," Jesse would be "Michelle's Uncle," DJ "Michelle's oldest sister," Stephanie "Michelle's stupid ugly sister" and Joey would be "the guy that will never move out of Michelle'southward house for no clear reason."  Anyway, enough about that because, all suddenly, Teddy's back!

What the fuck?  Teddy was Michelle'south best friend (which might besides have been his proper name) until his family unit moved away a few Seasons agone, which was a rare example of the writers bothering to explicate why a character left the show (he was much more than well-liked than Stephanie, by the way).  I idea that the actor who played teddy left to go star on his own show, but maybe information technology was cancelled already, or possibly this was before that.  I don't intendance enough to google it.  Anyway, any, Teddy'southward back now.

Michelle'southward teacher tells all the kids in Michelle's grade to shut the fuck up and listen to Danny because he's going to innovate a class project.  Danny tells them that they're going to practice a life-sized tracing of their best friend and and so he shows them i he did of Joey, which I don't even need to make fun of considering look at it.

Teddy points out how convenient it is that he only returned to the show two minutes ago because now Michelle can trace him but and so Denise is like, "fuck that shit, bitch, Michelle is tracing me."

Look… what'due south Jesse doing at a radio station?  Oh!  Do the uncles even so have those radio DJ jobs?  They haven't been mentioned in something like 20 episodes and I just assumed that they weren't doing that anymore.  After all, Jesse did go the owner and operator of a night club in the time since we've last seen him work at this job.  Even someone who has a work ethic would take a hard time balancing both of those duties.  Speaking of surprising returns, Joey comes in with his girlfriend, Roxy, from a few episodes agone, who I never thought we'd always see once again.  Betwixt Roxy, the radio station and Teddy coming back, it's similar the show is suddenly trying to make up for years of dropped continuity all at in one case.

Jesse invites Roxy to exist a guest on the testify and and then she and Joey start riffing with each other on the air, which makes Jesse feel left out.

Dorsum at the full firm, Denise and Teddy keep to contend with Michelle nigh which one of them she should trace for that stupid project.  Shouldn't they accept settled this in class?  How long is this projection supposed to go on for?  Information technology seems like they shouldn't have spent more than an hour on it but I guess information technology's going to take several days.  As well, it seems odd to me that each kid has to option their best friend to trace… The potential for problems similar this arising seems pretty cracking.  It'southward most like the project is specifically designed and so kids will get their feelings hurt.  And why aren't Teddy or Denise concerned with who they'll be tracing?  It never fifty-fifty comes upward.  Finally, I tried to devise a tasteful joke about how both of Michelle'south best friend candidates are half black and she could have combined them past drawing a whole blackness person but I couldn't come up with anything that wasn't gonna sound racist.  Still, isn't it remarkable that Michelle'southward best friends are both half blackness?  What's up with that?

Oh, so anyway, Michelle tells them that she likes them both and asks how she'due south supposed to decide between them.  She does this while her arms are extended with the palms facing up so they know that she is being sincere.  Both kids showtime bribing her with trinkets and candy and stuff only and so when she starts comparing their bribes they get all pissed at her and tell her to become fuck herself.  Equally much as I hate to take Michelle's side, it's weird to me that they become and then aptitude out of shape nearly the whole bribery thing when it was totally their idea.  Anyway, Teddy and Denise leave to go be all-time friends without Michelle and they abandon her to sit down by herself as sad music plays and then the dog starts licking her face, which is a really bizarre act break if yous ask me.  I've gotten really used to the hyper-manipulative extended shots of characters sad faces with dramatic music playing for the act breaks, but having the dog lick one of those pitiful faces is but utterly strange if you ask me.  It's actually kind of a refreshing change of pace.

Stephanie continues to campaign for an extended curfew but Danny just points out that she doesn't demand information technology because she doesn't even accept whatever friends to hang out with.  Before the conversation can go along, Michelle comes downstairs and says that she wants to talk to Danny and so of grade any was happening before that moment has to come to an firsthand halt.  Stephanie leaves (and, incidentally, that'south the cease of the Stephanie-asking-for-an-extended-curfew plot line.  I don't know why information technology was included at all… Maybe the episode was a minute short or something?) and then Michelle tells Danny that she tin't exercise her best friend tracing projection because she doesn't have a best friend, and that Teddy and Denise tried to bribe her and and so they got all pissed at her and left.  Even though the context is totally convoluted and weird, Danny makes a valid betoken nearly how she was taking reward of the situation and should repent to them.  Michelle, as ever, refuses to brand any growth as a human beingness and chooses not to apologize.  No wonder she doesn't have a best friend.  The kids a fucking asshole.

Jesse, Joey and Roxy come dwelling house and Stephanie compliments Joey and Roxy's repartee on the show, then she says that Jesse should have been there, implying that she didn't observe that he was.  Joey and Roxy repent to Jesse for dominating the prove just Jesse tells them that he doesn't mind and that the bottom line is that it fabricated for good radio, which is the first mature response he's always had in whatever state of affairs.  Joey takes his positive response as a go-ahead to invite Roxy back on the evidence the next day, which Jesse agrees to even though he's is clearly bothered by it (which immediately nullifies his supposedly mature response).

Jesse is left alone in the kitchen and and then Michelle comes in and asks him what to do when your friends exclude y'all.  Jesse points out how convenient information technology is that their two storylines accept such obvious parallels and then he tells her to make new friends, which is blatantly terrible advice.  Becky comes in and Jesse convinces her to exercise a guest spot on his radio show so he wont feel left out by Joey and Roxy.  Becky agrees since she doesn't heed being used like this because she's just totally given up on everything.

Steve returns the concluding of his stuff to DJ and they both seem pretty chipper about it.  Man, their amicable breakdown is but as tiresome equally their sexless relationship was.  Michelle comes in and asks DJ if she can trace her for her stupid project because she's her best sister.  DJ is touched but then Michelle clarifies that she's only asking her every bit a last resort because Stephanie said no.  DJ then refuses because Michelle is a raging asshole who can't even feign tact out of agony.

The uncles announced on the radio with their hoes in tow.  Joey introduces Roxy then they share a disgusting smooch, which might be even grosser if you were listening to their radio show and simply had to hear information technology instead of watching it.  I don't know why only the idea of just the audio of information technology alone is extra gross to me.

Jesse introduces Becky and forces a big showy smooch on her while making eyes at Joey, which seems to advise that Jesse feels threatened by Roxy on a sexual level, non just as radio competition.  Joey and Roxy first exchanging corny jokes again and so Jesse tries to interject by sharing stories with Becky about their impaired ass kids.  Becky realizes that even people who are dumb enough to listen to Jesse and Joey on the radio don't want to hear near her stupid boring kids and starts joining in on Joey and Roxy'due south riffing.  Jesse tries to redirect the conversation back to their kids, claiming that they say the darnedest things, like, "mahbodesbloken."  Becky points out that Jesse keeps trying to redirect the conversation and isn't actually participating in what anybody else wants to talk about then he sits dorsum in his chair and pouts.

Joey cuts the show to a commercial and so asks Jesse why he's existence all competitive.  Jesse tries to avoid any sort of productive soapbox but then Becky calls him out on being a large fucking babe and acting upset near a bunch of stuff that Joey and Roxy tried to talk to him most already.  Jesse says that he feels rejected and ignored and then anybody hugs him and says, "aww" and then Jesse says that it feels nice to know that his friends care about him.  They never address the real issue, which is that none of this would be a problem if Jesse wasn't so shitty at his chore that he can't keep up with the guests, but at least the storyline is over.

Danny comes back to Michelle's class to meet how the projects came out, which seems awfully convenient (information technology was supposed to be parent volunteer mean solar day, not parent volunteer several days), and so Teddy and Denise present their posters of each other and talk about how great one another are, which makes Michelle lamentable.

Michelle presents her all-time friend poster, which is of Comet considering he's the merely one that can stand her (probably because he doesn't speak english).  All the kids laugh at Michelle for being so shitty and lame that only a dog would be her friend and then she starts arguing with Teddy and Denise.  The teacher intervenes way later than she should have and so Danny cuts in so he can bosom out one of his very special talks.  He tells the three of them that they can have more than than 1 best friend even though he was the 1 that gave them the consignment that required that they only choice 1.  He talks about how he and Joey and Jesse are all best friends and his long rambling speech made me experience bad for all of the other kids in the class who are simply there to learn just are forced to hear nigh Michelle's stupid shitty family unit, but so I noticed that i of the kids in the groundwork was totally digging in her nose, which lifted my spirits.

Anyway, Michelle, Denise and Teddy all agree to exist best friends.  Yeah, that'southward it.

Postal service Script:  Carolyn Master's Full House painting did pretty well last week and so at present she'south selling some other one.  She's thinking of doing 1 every calendar week and if you'd like to follow this project and maybe buy some of those lovely painting you should like her facebook page.


Source: https://therealfullhousereviewed.wordpress.com/2013/07/05/season-7-episode-21-be-your-own-best-friend/

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