Middle School Charlotte Mason Style Reading Plan for American History
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Below are links to the many publishers of Charlotte Stonemason curricula and curriculum guides. All of them are in full or in part committed to the methods or philosophies unique to Charlotte Stonemason learning, including but not limited to, the employ of living books, nature studies, a joyful exposure to fine arts and handicrafts, and existent-world, easily-on living math. Some publishers may combine Charlotte Bricklayer with classical studies. Parents should feel confident making choices based on their own situations, preferences and budgets. There is no "perfect" Charlotte Mason curriculum!
(Considering Charlotte Bricklayer, but not sure? Check out our Free Charlotte Mason Resources post!)
The list, below, begins offset with curriculum guides, and full curriculum. It so moves to partial curriculum, grade specific curricula, and at the bottom, subject area-specific curriculum and guides. Each includes a note regarding the worldview from which it is published. Please annotation that the term "secular" reflects the specific publisher'southward label of its works, or has been added by Everything Charlotte Mason in the absenteeism of a stated, religious perspective on the publisher's website.
Everything Charlotte Mason strives to include all Charlotte Bricklayer publishers on this page. Publishers are American, unless otherwise noted. Curriculum publishers exterior of the United States are encouraged to send us a link to their websites for inclusion. Prices may alter without observe. Likewise, please transport us your corrections or additions. Constructive comments from educators familiar with these products are welcome at the bottom of the page.
Ambleside Online Helping Hand Emergency Learning Plan — Inspired by families affected past natural disasters, AO moderators offering a "gratuitous, complete, user-friendly curriculum program for homeschooling families who demand support, encouragement and alternatives to the curriculum they've lost in a disaster, and besides for churches and other groups needing to gear up temporary schools for children who may not have been homeschooled."
(no books included)
A Gentle Banquet – Family-oriented. Buy individually: package; parent resources; and membership that includes online weekly lesson plans. Organized in colour-lawmaking by year. Costs vary. Christian.
Ambleside Home School Mentor Program – Affiliated with Ambleside International. Includes preparation, one-on-one weekly mentoring and a complete curriculum for grades K-8 (and high schoolhouse for veteran families). Christian. $2700 per family per twelvemonth and up.
A Mind in the Light – Living volume and study guides organized by year. Includes teaching notes and forum. Cost varies. Secular.
Ambleside Online – Comprehensive and detailed guide for all grades using free or depression price materials based on original Charlotte Mason schools. Weekly lesson plans and booklists available to download. Free. Christian.
Build Your Library – Emily Cook has congenital an all grades, living books curriculum guide, with weekly lesson plans, book lists, narration cards and Book of Centuries. Does not include math. $40 and up for yearly lesson plans. Secular.
Charlotte Mason's Alveary – Consummate curriculum guide and book lists from Charlotte Mason Plant. Family subscription includes daily lessons plans, peer support and more, and helps support Charlotte Mason archives. $199 per year. Christian.
Classical Charlotte Bricklayer – Directly-forward website offering a list of great living books for each subject, without complicated schedules and plans. Simply cull the books and start reading! Costless. Christian.
Jewish Living Education Curriculum – List of recommended curricula and books (more in development) in all subject area areas, for families irrespective of amalgamation. Special sections for Jewish historical time periods and religious didactics. Lessons plans bachelor just for guides to music, art and faith. Jewish.
Mater Amabilis – Pre-K to class 8 Charlotte Mason-style curriculum guide for Catholics. Online syllabi organized by term. Encourages contained work by students. Free. Christian.
A Modern Charlotte Mason – Bundles cover lessons for grades 1-12 (supplementary math only). Includes online links for enrichment. Offers supplementary materials. Costs vary. Christian.
Quondam-Fashioned Education – Total curriculum including weekly lesson plans and many links to additional public domain, online resource including some for Canada and the land of Virginia. Gratis. Christian.
Teaching Children by Diane Lopez. Kindergarten through sixth grade curriculum guide, with reading lists, in one book. Includes explanations of Charlotte Mason philosophies and basic methods, too equally introduction and appendixes past Susan Schaeffer Macauley, author of For the Children'southward Sake.Available from online resellers, $iii and up. Christian.
Ursa Minor – Free and complete book list for all subjects, grades 7-12, including recitation, logic and handicrafts. Includes links to books. Secular.
Wildwood Curriculum – Charlotte Mason curriculum guide using modern books, currently through age 12. Includes term-based reading guide and resource lists for U.S. and Canadian educators (with some for India). Secular. Gratuitous.
(books included)
Barefoot Meandering – Publisher ofWayfarers history. Self-described as "classical Mason." All grades. Does not include math. Costs vary. Secular.
Bright Ideas Press – Mystery of History plus science, geography, humanities including literature. No math. Costs vary. Christian.
The Good and the Cute – Pre-K through high school curriculum with no daily prep time. Includes family-style history, science and electives. Costs vary. Christian.
Heart of Dakota – Flexible and may be used with multiple ages. Uses Singapore Math (secular). Costs vary. Christian.
Living Books Curriculum – "Boxed" Charlotte Mason curriculum for each grade G-8. No math. Supports educational activity for children in orphanages in Africa. Costs vary. Christian.
Moving Across the Folio – Not specifically Charlotte Mason, just heavily project-based. Multiple intelligences. No conventional worksheets or tests. Costs vary. Secular.

My Father'south World – Combination Charlotte Mason, classical and unit report. Uses Singapore Math (secular). Costs vary. Christian.
Queen Homeschool Supplies – Covers most subjects (math accessories only). Online catalog available. Cost vary. Christian.
Merely Charlotte Mason – Whole family unit, "open and go" lessons plans for all grades, handicraft instructional videos, teacher instruction. Christian. Costs vary.
Sonlight – All grades, pre-packaged or build your own. Payment plans available. Costs vary. Christian.
Trail Guide to Learning – All subjects except math, multi-level for grades three-12. Christian publisher. Costs vary.
Train Up a Child – Family-centered, in units of three grades each, option to blueprint your ain. No math. Costs vary. Christian.
Winter Hope – Classical, Charlotte Mason, multiple intelligences. Costs vary. Christian.
Brookdale Firm – History, Language Arts, Castilian, Geography through drawing, Handwriting, Bible. No scientific discipline or math. Costs vary. Christian.
Our Journeying Westward – Guides for teaching Charlotte Stonemason, nature studies, grammer and more. Costs vary. Christian.

Simply Charlotte Mason – Enrichment Studies covering strange language, literature, handicrafts, poetry, hymns, classical music and scripture. All ages. Christian.
Charlotte Mason-Inspired Kindergarten Curriculum – This well-reviewed kindergarten program from A Apprehensive Place for those looking for a reliable Year 0.v. PDF. $10.
Blossom & Root – Nature-based schooling. Offers early years, kindergarten and first grade curriculum. 2nd and third grades expected in 2019. Secular. Costs vary.
Merely Charlotte Mason – Our Preschool Life is a subscription box recommended for ages 3-v. May be paired with reading curriculum for kindergarten. Christian.
But Charlotte Mason – Individual Studies for grades one-six include language arts, science and typing. May be used with selection of history, literature and math curriculum. Christian.
Fine art
Atelier – Consummate homeschool or co-op art curriculum. Video based, kits available. Costs vary. Secular.
Creating a Masterpiece – Online classes from chief artist Sharon Hofer. Choose courses in foundational skills, drawing and art history. Monthly subscription or yearly payment, depending on program. Secular.
Foreign Language
Stonemason's Living Languages – Sample lessons and resources for eight languages, along with Charlotte Stonemason inspired scope and sequence and teacher training video. Secular.
Talkbox.mom — More than than a dozen languages offered, using a family-interactive system proven by the founder who has used it all over the world with her family unit. Secular.
But Charlotte Mason – DVD lessons on crochet, woodworking, knitting and more.
Delightful Handwriting – from Only Charlotte Mason. Handwriting lessons for students plus instructor book, using Charlotte Mason methods, and reinforcing reading selections from SCM's Delightful Reading curriculum. Bachelor in Zaner Bloser or D'Nealian styles. Printed book or PDF download. Costs vary. Christian.
Italics: Cute Handwriting for Children – Veteran Charlotte Mason educator, writer and presenter Penny Gardner's CM-friendly handwriting guide. Recommended past Charlotte Mason Establish. $ten per family. PDF download.
Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series – Popular handwriting arrangement that seamlessly moves children from print to cursive. Costs vary. Secular.
Zaner-Bloser Handwriting – Recommended by Diane Lopez in Didactics Children. Includes education in cursive. Upper grades contain samples using historical primary documents in new 2020 edition. Bachelor though online homeschool resellers, such equally Rainbow Resources. Costs vary. Secular.
Beautiful Feet – Charlotte Mason-style history through literature. Costs vary. Christian.

Blessed Heritage – Charlotte Mason history guides from an African-American viewpoint. Costs vary. Christian.
Heritage History – Classical, living books covering major eras of history, along with study guides, downloadable online for all ages. Dozens of stories per guide. Free. Secular.
History Revealed – Diana Waring's history curriculum covers ancient through modern, with 3-mean solar day and five-day lesson plan options, projects and online resources. Christian.
Simply Charlotte Stonemason – Lesson plans for six-yr bicycle of history, combined with geography and Bible, meant for use twice in 12-yr academic career. Costs vary.
Charlotte Mason Elementary Math Series – Elementary Math Series, plus helpful instructor's handbook and DVD guide from Just Charlotte Mason. Math Kit, with Volume 1, gridded notebook, manipulatives and supplies, likewise available.
Living Math – Story-based, real-life math from WinterPromise. Includes narration and coordinated practise sheets. Grades 1-half-dozen. $twoscore and up. Christian.
Right Start Math – Motto is "helping children sympathise, apply and enjoy mathematics." Heavy use of abacus and games. Cost varies. Secular.
Nature Scientific discipline or Natural History
Blossom & Root – Topical, downloadable booklets on specific nature topics and scientists. Includes book list, STEAM projects, kitchen activities and more. Secular. $half-dozen and up.
Noeo Science – Biology, chemistry and physics curriculum using whole books for grades 1-8, along with experiment supplies. From Logos Press. Christian.
Reading Educational activity/Phonics
Outset Reading, Sight and Audio — Offered past A Gentle Feast, "open and go" package includes lessons, flashcards, tiles and mat for a total CM-way introduction to reading. Level two too available. Christian.
Delightful Reading – Multi-level phonics and sight reading kits developed and published by Merely Charlotte Stonemason. Bachelor from SCM and other retail outlets. Christian.
"How to Teach Reading Without a Curriculum" – This extensive article gives step-by-step instructions, with video, on how to teach reading the CM manner. Includes supply lists. From Meghann at Rooted Childhood.
Living Books Curriculum — The "I Dear to Read" set includes CM-style word wink cards plus phonics, also every bit a instructor's guide, primer and two readers all from classic sources. Christian.
The Mindful Alphabet – Gentle introduction to letters in CM style, using nursery rhymes and nature themes. May be followed past Reading Printable Packs, both bachelor at My Lilliputian Robins.
Ordinary Parent's Guide to Pedagogy Reading – Phonics-based reading didactics beginning with letter of the alphabet sounds, by Jesse Wise, writer of the popular classical guide, Well-Trained Mind. Available from various vendors. Secular.
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Piece of cake Lessons -This classic, pop reading instruction by Engelmann includes text with short, private lessons orienting sounds with letters. Secular. Available from various outlets.
Under the Home – Free, iii-year Charlotte Mason-manner early childhood phonics plan using "ear, tongue and heart grooming plus give-and-take building." Grades K-2, from Bonnie Rose Hudson. Christian.
Swedish Drill
Swedish Drill Revisited – Physical therapist Dawn Duran adapts Swedish Drill for contemporary teachers and parents. Printable PDF. Yous can besides see videos of Dawn'due south children doing Swedish Drill on her blog. Secular.
The Swedish Drill Instructor – Free e-volume bachelor for download from Simply Charlotte Mason. Originally published in 1910, you tin read detailed teaching in Swedish Drill methods, as well as concrete education philosophies and how they accept changed over the past 100 years. Secular.
(Charlotte Mason "taught" composition/writing in an integrated way, founded upon oral narration, then expanding into grammar, written narration, the study of classic living books and poetry. Because these skills are adult over many years, there are really no curricula that can reverberate fully her methods and philosophy. Therefore, this listing primarily includes resources for learning more virtually the CM way of pedagogy writing and limerick.)
Brave Author – Home-study or online learning for writing and writing mechanics. Adult to increment confidence in students by employing the positive techniques used past published writers who teach. All ages. Costs vary. Secular.
"How I Raised a Professional person Author Without a Composition Program" – Excellent, detailed article explaining level-by-level, how all of one parent's children became professional writers using Charlotte Bricklayer methods.
"Linguistic communication Arts in a Charlotte Bricklayer Educational activity" – A summary of Charlotte Mason's methods of teaching linguistic communication arts, include limerick, over many years, from Ambleside Online.
"Teaching Writing: Discipline by Field of study" – All-encompassing explanation past Sonya Shafer of the way Charlotte Mason taught writing and limerick, and various resources used past publisher Only Charlotte Stonemason.
… more coming shortly …
Source: https://everythingcharlottemason.com/charlotte-mason-curriculum/
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